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Reasons Why you Should Fear Wasps and Avoid Confrontation?

First thing that comes to your mind when you think of wasps is their painful stings. Wasps are equipped with strong and flexible stingers that can pump venom in to your flesh repeatedly. Though wasps look similar to bees, they are totally different when it comes to comparing their bites or stings. Bees die after biting a victim because they lose their stingers in the process, but it is a different story with wasps, they don’t lose their stingers even after several numbers of stings.  This is the most dreadful fact you should know about wasps and keep a safe distance when you spot their nest. Another thing that is dreadful about wasps is their ability to mobilize fellow wasps when they are confronted with enemy, namely “You”, and launch a group attack. If you have a wasp infestation it is better advised not attempt anything foolish but call experts like BBPP, the most professionalWasp Removal Service Vaughanand get rid of the nest.

Why should you fear wasps?

Reasons why you should fear wasps

  • Wasps as we mentioned above can deliver extremely painful stings to your body when confronted. Wasps by natures are born with powerful mandibles or stingers that can function like a piston while delivering stings on to human or other’s skin. The stingers are firmly attached to the rest of wasp body and do not come off despite repeated piston like motion. Another dreadful fact is that wasps store enough venom required for those stings.
  • Wasps are highly aggressive and they do not fear human like other pests. They are the aggressor when a situation is created and they dive head on in to battle without any second thought.
  • You are at disadvantage when wasps launch an all out attack. Wasps with their combat aircraft like appearance and build are air borne thus putting you at a disadvantage. They can dodge your attempts to attack them and swiftly move in and sting you without wasting any time. They are too swift for you and before you snap your eyelid they would have delivered several blows.
  • Wasps can call for backup when they feel they are under attack and they do it by producing a pheromone, a kind of chemical substance produced and released by a mammal or insect, which in turn will affect others from their species and trigger a social response. This could be extremely dangerous because a group attack will be certainly put you in extreme pain and setting off an allergy attack. Sometimes these attacks put people in emergency rooms with shock and trauma.
  • Bugs, ants, flies, spiders, moths, cockroaches, rodents like mice and rats, can be tackled by you quite effectively and you can squash them with your shoes or bash them with a fly swatter with confidence because they don’t fight back but flee the scene. With wasps the story is different and you will be the one who will do all the running with angry wasps on your tail. 

Now you know why wasps are fearsome and why you will require the expert wasp removal procedures of BBPP, thebest Vaughan pest control service, to remove them from your home. If you are infested with wasps call them immediately on phone number 647-910-6315 or mail toinfo@bbppcanada.comto get a free quote.   

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