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For us markets are the heart and soul of our city, we grew up shopping there and then slowly replaced them with super markets and other stores without realizing what we were doing. Because we work there doing tours we thought everything was fine, there was always people shopping, and then we read an article where @madeleine_watt talks about how gentrification and other problems are actually killing the markets. It was hard to believe it, we always saw them busy, but after asking some questions we realized Madeleine was right. Then La Merced suffered a fire that destroyed 40% of the market and we decided to take action. The best way to reactivate the markets is shopping there, places like La Merced (with a bad reputation) need a help, we created this tours for Mexicans to rediscover the joy of shopping at a market, the sense of community, the incredible array of products, the happiness of chanting with your marchante. The tours happen once a month, the rate is minimal 7 USD per person (money that we use for the food we provide, the company doesn’t make any money from this tours) the first two groups shopped until they dropped, Met the vendors, realized is not a scary place and that the community there is awesome, warm and lovely. It was awesome to share the market with them and make new friends. Thanks Madeleine for opening our eyes to a problem that was in front of us, and we couldn’t see. Our markets are an essential part of our culture and heritage and we need to preserve them and protect them at all cost.

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