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Ways in Which the Internet Helps to Grow Businesses You Would Never Suspect

Most people know that marketing has taken on a whole new perspective in recent decades. While there are some form of print advertising that are still a vital component of many thriving businesses like restaurants who need to draw in local customers, other businesses find that local hard-copy print does nothing to help them grow because there is no way to reach their prospective audience with print media. It is specifically these kinds of startups that a philanthropist like Aubrey Chernick seeks to find and aid through online efforts.


One of the newest online approaches to helping grow startups is the concept of crowdfunding on sites like NextGen, the brainchild of philanthropist Aubrey Chernick. The internet is an invaluable tool when it comes to seeking funds to start a new business. Crowdfunding offers the ability to reach a very wide audience of people who are willing to ‘invest’ in startup ventures. Unlike traditional funding where one person or financial institution offers startup capital, crowdfunding offers a potentially unlimited number of people to participate in equity funding where they earn profits based on their share of funding. It’s a novel concept and one that is proving to be a real boon to startups around the globe.


Many new businesses are unable to keep up with operations because they lack the resources to fund entire departments. HR is one department that often goes lacking in personnel because there just isn’t enough money to hire additional staff. Cloud based HR software is one way in which management can streamline many HR functions so that time isn’t wasted and fewer people can run an entire department. Just because a business is starting out doesn’t mean there won’t be a need for Human Resources, especially with the huge size of many companies just getting off the ground. From collaboration with peers and creatives to HR functions, software based in the cloud provides a much needed way to streamline tasks.

Social Media Mentoring

Then there is the whole aspect of mentoring. Few startups can get by in this highly competitive world without a mentor or group of mentors to help them work their way through the jungle of competitors. The internet makes it possible to draw on the experience and knowledge of high performers you have never met and may never meet on a face to face basis. While many high level entrepreneurs like Aubrey Chernick are ready to reach out to startups, many are too busy to meet personally all those they seek to help. Social media such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+ enables startup directors and their mentors to meet regularly, albeit quickly, when issues arise that need a bit of advice based on past experience.

So you see, there are so many ways the Internet can help a startup grow and in ways you may never have imagined. From streamlining processes to finding financing to mentoring those new to the world of business, the Internet is largely responsible for the explosive number of startups making it past their first year. Looking to start a business? The Internet can be your very best advisor, so use it wisely!

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