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Sustainable tourism doesn’t exist, or at least a truly sustainable tourism, traveling involves using planes, water and food waste, changing the landscape, and using resources, that’s why it can’t be sustainable, but the good news is that it CAN Be responsible, this means, traveling in smarter and better ways tha to make the destination you are visiting better, not only considering the obvious parts like not using plastic or paying fair prices, but also the cultural, social, and economic impacts of traveling, the hidden costs a society has to pay in order to hosts tourists, the loss of housing for the locals due platforms like Airnbn, and the impacts of unbalanced tourism, this means we need to travel in smarter ways, maybe we don’t know all this impacts but we can reach local companies who care and ask for advice. Or maybe we can do simple stuff like instead of going to the same restaurants EVERYBODY goes like Contramar or Pujol, try to visit less cool but equally good small restaurants. This way the wealth will be better distributed. There are lots is stuff you can do to travel better, we will be sharing them here. And if you have questions feel free to ask :) #mexicocity #mexicanfood #mexico #visitmexico #mexicanmarket #streetfood #foodtour #foodtourism #travelfotfood #responsibletravel #responsibletourism #responsibletourismactivist

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