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Want to go to Indonesia? Know when the right time is and how to keep yourself away from certain diseases!

A trip to Indonesia was something I didn't even think of until a few years ago. Indonesia is an extraordinary country with a diversity of large trips along the 17 thousand islands. The most famous for tourists and one of the biggest is Bali. I went there and visited another island too, Gili Trawangan, which is famous for its amazing beaches. In more than 10 days, I climbed active volcanoes, I saw beautiful lakes and temples, bathed in amazing blue beaches, went to distinctive music and dance performances, and I knew the reality of their very different people.

Travel to Indonesia: when to go

Don't buy your ticket before looking for the best time to go to Indonesia. Don't go in the months of heavy rain, because it rains hard day and night, several days in a row. The best time to go to Bali is from April to October. I left in May and had a good day. Rain only for part of the morning and part of the afternoon

The average temperature is close to 30 degrees Celsius. If you are thinking of going to Gili Trawangan, a 2-hour island in Bali that has beaches with "blue Caribbean" waters, keep calm: the rainy season and temperature follow the same logic as those in Bali. That is, the best time to go to Gili Trawangan is from April to October as well.

Travel to Indonesia: visa information

When you get off the plane, you will take the immigration queue, like everyone else. Immigration officers practically don't ask questions in Bali for tourists. They only saw the passport and stamped it, gave them what they called Visa-on-Arrival (learn more at the official Indonesian tourism website). However, the queue at immigration is huge! I had to spend more than 1 hour in it, both when I arrived in Bali and when I left. Prepare patience!

Travel to Indonesia: What vaccine is needed?

You must be vaccinated against Yellow Fever to travel to Indonesia. Not that they need proof of international vaccination upon arrival. But that is a recommendation because the risk of getting this disease is high.

They are also very common there:

- Malaria - Depending on which island you will visit, there are risks. But there is no vaccine against malaria. Only a few preventive drugs, which cause many side effects (such as sunburn) that are not even recommended by many doctors. I didn't use it.

- Rabies - This is a very common disease in Bali, because of the large number of dogs with poor health on the streets. It can also be transmitted by monkeys. And you see, there are lots of little monkeys that jump on people to steal food. My doctor recommended taking the pre-exposure rabies vaccine and I took 3 doses before traveling.

- Hepatitis A – Due to the poor hygiene in handling food in Indonesia (in general).

Ensuring when the right time to travel abroad and preventing the risks of any disease that can occur is 2 actions that prevent your vacation from ending badly. There are still other important tips related to holidays. You can get them by visiting

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