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2018 Weight Loss Supplements Review: how effective are they?

How safe and effective are weight loss supplements? Let this review guide you to determine the right one that will work for your needs.

#1Rank: Sletrokor

The Claims

Sletrokor is made of natural extracts  that have all proven to be effective in:

  • Suppressing appetite
  • Boosting up metabolism for enhanced fat burning
  • Decreasing Cortisol levels that leads to emotional eating
  • Lowering blood pressure and bad cholesterol levels
  • Improving digestion and immune systems

The Product

Sletrokor is a creation of 18Nutrition, a reliable and trustworthy name in the industry. Their facility is GMP-approved and located in Los Angeles, California.

The Bottom Line

The long list of positive user reviews is the best measurement of the effectiveness of Sletrokor. The zero bad side effect reports attest to the safe use of the product as well.


The DAI Rank


The Product

Lipozene® by the Obesity Research Institute

The Price

$29.95 for a bottle that when taken as directed for “optimum results”, will only last 10 days.



The Claims

12 Clinical Studies have lead the Obesity Research Institute to claim that using Lipozene® will “reduce body fat” where “78% of each pound lost is pure body fat.” According to the pictures on the website, the product contains 1500 mg. The only problem is that we have no way of knowing what those 1500 mg are, there are no supplement facts to be found.

The Directions

Each bottle of Lipozene® contains 60 capsules, however, they recommend that for “optimum results” you should take the “daily maximum dosage of 6 capsules per day.”

Lipozene Customer Testimonial

Dear Diet Awareness Institute,


Well, I can tell you for a fact that Lipozene is not worth the time or money that is spent on it. I took the "30 day trial" (I ran out of product and had to start another bottle on day 11). It is only a 30-day supply if you take one tablet once a day. This is what is written in their dosage instructions; " based on clinical studies, recommended dosage for optimum results is daily maximum dosage of 6 capsules per day". I finished my last "30 day trial" on friday night, and I called on Monday to let them know that it did not work and in fact I had gained 2 pounds while on this product. I was told that I only had 30 days in which to return the product and they would not accept it back after 30 days. Lipozene is such a rip-off. Their product doesn't even work when I eat special K for breakfast and a low calorie diet the rest of the time. I seemed bloated most of the time and was very dissatisfied with this product. I do not recommend it.


A very dissatisfied customer of Lipozene

Kim S., TN

DAI’s Bottom Line

Lipozene® is manufactured by the Obesity Research Institute, LLC and is advertised online as well on the television.  The supplement facts have not been provided online, so all you know is that it contains an unknown amount of Glucomannan. When ingested, glucomannan expands and takes on a jelly form to make your stomach feel full. One warning that has been seen elsewhere is that since it expands, glucomannan might prevent medications or other essential nutrients from being absorbed by the body.  We find it alarming that the cleverly named Obesity Research Institute has provided almost no information regarding their product. None of the information from their 12 clinical studies has been referenced, and there are no supplement facts to be found on the site. $30.00 for a 10 day supply is a steep price for a product so mired in uncertainty.



The DAI Rank


The Product


Manufactured by Orovo, LLC

Orem, Utah

The Price

$80.00 for a one month supply.



The Claims

Orovo is a multi-vitamin supplement that contains 10 highly concentrated "SuperFoods" as defined by Dr. Nicholas Perricone. According to Orovo, LLC, this product was created as a result of an experiment.  A dermatologist appearing on a popular daytime talk show recommended 10 different foods that if taken on a daily basis would allow you to look 10 years younger in 10 days!  The wife of Orovo’s CEO happened to be watching the show, and decided to take on the 10 day challenge.  As a result, instead of looking 10 years younger, she actually lost 10 lbs.

The Directions does not seem to have a section on the website that lays out the suggested dosage. Our reviewer was unable to call Orovo for the information because the website does not have a phone number.

DAI’s Bottom Line

While this supplement has some of the ingredients you would expect to see in a weight-loss product, it simply is hard to take at face value that it can live up to its outrageous claims. It promises to help you lose weight, clear up acne, reduce wrinkles, detoxify your system and improve overall health. Did they forget anything? The days of the cure-all tonics sold by handcart peddlers are apparently alive and well in Orem, Utah. We have seen much more effective formulas sold for much less than Orovo’s $80.00 price tag. As always, be very careful when you order from companies that do not put their phone numbers on the website. If they’re hiding from you, it probably has something to do with the product they just sold.

The final verdict

It is of small wonder that Sletrokor occupies the top slot when it comes to weight management. A product can only be deemed as a great one when it is safe and effective. Sletrokor has proven that it is with its unique formulation using only potent natural ingredients. Consistent positive feedback from customers on the product’s official website and other merchant sites ensure the effectiveness of Sletrokor for weight loss issues. Why settle for a so-so product when there is Sletrokor?

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