RedGage is the best way to earn real money from your photos, videos, blogs, and links.


REDGAGE-The Best Internet Site For Sharing Your Photo's.

There are many ways you can share your snaps on the Internet, the two most common are of course Facebook and Flickr, but neither of these reward you for your efforts.

There are also several other photo sharing sites out there that do pay you for sharing your snaps, but not only have they very low rates per CPM (1000 views), two popular ones are Shareapic and Triond (picable). Shareapic only pay 0.22 cents per 1000 views, and Triond have unknown rates that appear to be very low for pictures (one of my Triond pics had 497 hits and only got 6 cents).

You will find a couple of higher paying image share sites too, but they show adult ads with your pics, so are totally unsuitable, they also look a bit dodgy too as thier site designs are very poor.

So, why is Red Gage The Best?

Obvious really... For image sharing you get the best CPM rate I have found on the net so far (at least 60 cents per thousand views).


  • It's a very friendly social networking site where most of its users all view and share each others work.
  • Your photo's are encased in a well designed web page (not littered with loads of ads).
  • Your images are less likely to be stolen (cannot right-click and save any images).
  • Chance of getting a featured bonus payment for good pictures & content.
  • You can import your existing photo's from Flickr to RedGage with one click.
  • You can also share documents, video's and blog posts.
  • You can share links to any other web site, ideal for back-linking to your other web sites.
  • You can post links to your work on facebook, twitter and more.
  • Regular competitions with daily $25 awards.

Forget sharing your photo's on Facebook and other sites , post them on RedGage instead, and get a good rate of return for your efforts!

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