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I dream often, during times of crazy happenings or constant goings-on, of being home alone.
It's not that I wish my parents were never home. I love them quite dearly. I just, I enjoy my time alone, and the opportunities such time brings along with it. I'm not about to lie and say that controlling the television and computer are no where near the list of said things I can do, but they aren't toward the top either. 

When all the other inhabitants of the home are gone, I've freedom that I look forward to, when I "grow up" and leave the nest. Freedom to sleep in any room of the house, wearing as little as I feel or as much as I feel. The freedom to spread out all my creative in devours about the house, painting on the carpeted floor or writing at the kitchen table.

Blasting music to dance around the house to, or just to sway as my paintbrushes run across my paper. Not caring if I look a mess or normal. Things go where I want them, and my things can't be in the way of someone else. I get first priority. The fridge can be re-arranged. Shelves can have my things in front.

When I'm alone, I get to be in my own world.
Instead of just visiting theirs. 

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