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A Prig

I really wonder how far Viki and Charlie are going to go with this crazy plan of theirs. I'm not so sure that David and Dorian are all that jealous since David looked confused or maybe I was the one that was confused. I'm not sure about Dorian because I kept being distracted by that headband oddly placed on her head. I just wanted to push the thing back or maybe take it off. I'm just glad Viki didn't eat one of his muffins and speaking of muffins what about Jessica and Natalie? Are they still puking upstairs or did someone call 911 yet?I'd almost feel sorry for Hannah if she wasn't such a crazy bitch. Cole goes in to talk to her since people wonder about the girl and whether or not she's faking but she does tell him that it is all for him. Dude she just told you what she's doing but of course he's too dumb to realize it after all he's not King Dum Dum for nothing. He even feels sorry for her. While he's doing that Starr who is just playing with fire at this point decides to bring James a burger after all after you shoot a guy you do owe him a burger and fries. Oh sure you feel nothing for the guy at all. She ends up leaving and James thinks his big brother is yelling at her but nope he's just yelling at Mom.The second she ran into him I knew she'd turn out to be long lost Mom. Of course it amuses me since Inez looks more like his sister instead of his Mom but on another soap I watch the chick is playing Mom to a guy that's only six years younger. Oh soaps are just wacky that way because the kids grow and the parents stay the same until the kids are the same age as the parents. I do wonder about Nate since I'm going to go on a limb and say it is possible that she was pregnant at the time she left. Of course Ford could give a crap about hearing why she left. There could be a reason that doesn't make her come off as a cold and unfeeling bitch. I think Curtis had Kate convinced that Billie and Austin were dead which explained why she never came for them. So they have no idea about having another brother along with Nate who just got used to it being his Mom and him with no idea who his Dad is.Careful Eli your psycho's showing since that didn't seem very Eli of him to punch Todd. Of course I get why someone would want to punch Todd but that just doesn't seem like an Eli type thing to do but of course this guy just all of a sudden became crazy at least from what I can tell but I've only been watching months rather than years so I don't know if he ever showed signs of crazy. So he's Ross's brother? Is his Eli his real name or is Bennett which makes his brother a Thompson too. I'm all confused at this point. Both guys end up getting pushed into the pool and once they get out they have a toast to their upcoming marriages. It was just an odd reaction to him finding out that his brother was alive punching a guy in the nose even if it happens to be Todd that's getting punched. Is he as psycho as Eli is?I guess Mom's going to pay for James's hospital bills with the fifty grand that Nate took. Is it considered stealing when you're taking something that was already stolen that someone had the stupidity of putting in the woods? I don't think there will be a family reunion in the near future although James might be curious about Mom but Bobby not so much. Damn I can't get used to him being named that since he's no Bobby Singer who just happens to be awesome while this guy just has awesome pecs. Now where was I? Oops got distracted again by the evil pecs and they weren't even shown since Under Guy hasn't been in his underwear lately. I am curious about Inez though and why she left two of her sons behind only to never tell the third that he has brothers.How ironic that Nate's brother ends up liking Starr while he's with Dani. I knew there would be trouble and Cole doesn't have a clue hence me dubbing him King Dum Dum. Oh sure who wouldn't want to be on the run with some guy named Bull after you. Well now that he's dead I'm sure another goon would be all too eager to take his place. But isn't dear old Dad in jail now? How did that happen? Am I missing something or were the blanks not filled in yet? I sense trouble in paradise since it is pretty obvious that Starr is interested even though she knows she shouldn't be.I do feel bad for Auntie Viv oops I mean Mama whoever she is. She's in such denial about her daughter being in that coma. The kind thing to do would be to pull the plug but she just wants to blame everything on Layla. Gee no wonder she never goes to visit the woman if she's going to get treated like that. Let me guess Evangelina was the golden child while Layla not so much. Of course she doesn't want to know if her daughter has a living will since she'd have to give up that hope she has that one day her daughter will just snap out of it. I don't see that happening since she's just slipping away. The fact that she's on a ventilator to help her breathe just shows that she's dying bit by bit which is cruel when you think about it because Mom is doing it for her and not thinking about what her daughter would want.All of the links to my soap posts can be found at all three places.http://melancholymusings.comhttp://moonlightdwelling.com

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