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How to Lower Blood Pressure


Blood pressure is the force of blood against the walls of the arteries When it stays high, you have high blood pressure, also called hypertension Blood pressure is the force of blood against the walls of the arteries. When it stays high, you have high blood pressure, also called hypertension. Below are 4 easy guidelines about How To Lower Blood Pressure Naturally. 

This increased pressure of blood puts a stress on your heart that may lead to a coronary. It also is affecting other organs in the body like the kidneys and brain. There are actually loads of prescription medicines for treating hypertension but certain life changes can also have advantageous effects on the condition. 

It is estimated that over 90% of USA citizens have or will have hypertension in their lifetime. When the pressure is more than 115 over 75, the damage to the body has just started. For each 20 over 10 increase, the damage essentially doubles. 

However much of the situation can be brought under control with life style changes and exercise. Diet is the quintessential part and one ought to know which foods to take and avoid the quantum of liquid intake, effective vitamins and minerals supplements, etc. Some excellent and interesting resources on natural methods can be found online, one of which even have a rather controversial but effective advise of taking more chocolate! Always remember the earlier action is taken, the better. 

Medical practitioners record the pressure as 2 values, the systolic (the pressure of the blood as it enters the aorta) and the diastolic (the pressure when the heart ventricles relax between beats). It is measured in millimetres of mercury (mm hg). Ranges are as follows: 
1. Hypotension (Low) less than 90/ less than 60 
2. Normal 90 - 119/ 60 - 79 
3. Pre-Hypertension (Mild) 120 - 139/80 - 89 
4. Stage 1 Hypertension (Moderate) 140 - 159/90 - 99 
5. Stage 2 Hypertension (Severe) more than 160/more than 100 

Eating foods that are low in saturated fats, low in total fat, and low in cholesterol can reduce hypertension. A balanced diet of fruits, veggies, whole grains, lean proteins, and lowfat dairy foods should make up the bulk of your eating plan. 

The decreased pressure effect of this diet change is usually the same as taking a prescribed medicine. Proved calorie reduction methodologies include eating smaller portions, using reduced fat or fat free products, and limiting sugar intake. 

Exercising just twenty to 30 mins a number of times a week can produce dramatic results. The physical activity can include anything like walking, biking, or gardening. Simply getting your body in motion and keeping it in motion for a time period is all you want. 

Reduce Salt 
Reducing sodium (salt) in your diet is an alternative way to keep the pressure down. Processed and pre-packaged foods usually contain a high quantity of sodium. After a high sodium meal, many of us have a swollen feeling due to excess water retention. This extra volume increases the pressure. 

Drinking an excess amount of alcohol can raise your pressure. It also harms the liver, brain, and heart. Alcohol is also heavy in calories, which can that lead to gains in weight. If you drink, be certain to have a reasonable amount. None of these life changes will work unless you stay on them. 

The earlier action is taken, the better. It is advisable that you quickly lower blood pressure before you become one of the statistics.

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