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Deconstruction of the Image: One Little Boy - So Many Doors

This is a conversation about the photographic image:

One Little Boy - So Many  Doors

One Little Boy - So Many Doors   Feel free to join in the conversation and leave your interpretation of the scene.

Description:one little boy . . . so many doors - Mykonos Greece

I shot this candid street scene within the confusing labarynth of narrow twisting alleyways on Mykonos in the Cyclades Islands of Greece.

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ArtzeeChris : That's so sweet, it's kinda a metaphor for the little boy, so many doors to be opened and to choose from when you are young and have your entire life ahead of you!

MrBill : Thank you Chris! you really tuned into the philosophy of this image.

The main current is definitely "Choices" or some might call the doors "Opportunity". There is also "Chance" or "Risk" (Monty Hall and Let's Make a Deal come to mind too), plus "Curiosity", "Discovery" and "Exploration".

Some doors are easier to reach, just turn around, while others require more effort and differing lengths of journeys.

There is also the air that he has turned his back on the "known" - hearth and home - and is venturing out on his own (curiosity, discovery, exploration) ... having stepped out the familiar door of home and family he stands at the edge of the abyss peering about ... will he venture onward and step off into the street???

Whatever the choices are to be made, it appears they are ones that, while his decision may be influence by family and upbringing, he must none-the-less decide alone and make them for himself.

Deconstruction can be an entertaining diversion ... but this boy and his alleyway were unsuspecting participants in my travels and photography ... truly I see two most likely scenarios - he has snuck out of the house for a peek at the world, or mom or grandma shooed him outside while they swept the floor.

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