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Multiple Sclerosis and the Pollen Count

Whether we find ourselves sneezing, wheezing or coughing, or even if we find ourselves doing none of the above, the mere fact that Spring has sprung is enough to cause MS symptoms to flare.

The immune response triggered by the pollen count is enough to aggravate MS symptoms. I have been experiencing lethargy and sleepiness that is not normal for me. My husband has been feeling the same way. He exhibits all the classic signs of hay-fever so it wasn't hard to determine why he is tired and dragging more than usual. Attributing the pollen count to my problem took a little more thought.

After close examination of all the possibilities, including a flare-up. I am relieved to attribute my sudden drop in health to nothing more than my over-taxed immune system trying to now handle two assailants instead of one.

Of course it is ironic that in regards to the MS my assailant is actually my own body attacking itself, but I digress . . . until the pollen count goes down (please let it rain very hard, very soon)  I will be stuck feeling more tired than usual with barely an appetite and no desire to do anything.

It's an act of cruelty to endure the winter we had here in New Jersey, only to feel poorly when the sun is finally out and the D-3 can be easily absorbed from the beautiful rays of the sun.  Alas, this too shall pass, so I will look toward the future when my body adjusts to the pollen, or it rains, which ever comes first.

It could be worse, so I will endure this along with everyone who like me is handling two autoimmune attacks instead of one.

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