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Great Reasons To Stop Smoking And Explore E Cigs, The Safer Smoking Alternative

4000  toxins, pesticides and carcinogens in tobacco smoke

There are 4000 carcinogens, pesticides and toxins in tobacco cigarettes!



Many people would love to stop smoking, but they just don’t know how to go about it. Additionally, they may not understand the many reasons why stopping smoking is, without a doubt, the most positive single lifestyle change a person can make. In this article, you will learn a few of the many great reasons to stop smoking.


When You Stop Smoking You Will Feel Better And Have More Energy


When you smoke, you deprive your body of oxygen. Nicotine fits nicely into your red corpuscles in the place intended for oxygen. When you smoke, instead of carrying oxygen throughout your system to nourish and cleanse your body, your blood carries nicotine throughout your system causing a state of hypoxia. This inevitably leads to poor overall health and a general sense of distress.


When you stop smoking, your lungs and entire system can be fully oxygenated. You will feel a renewal of energy and a sense of well-being that you may not have experienced in a long time. If you began smoking very early in life, the tremendous sense of wellness to be gained when you stop smoking may be a truly amazing experience; however, this may not happen immediately.


Many smokers complain that they do not feel better when they stop smoking. Instead they feel worse. The reason for this is that withdrawal symptoms are part and parcel of the detox process. Immediately after stopping smoking, you may feel dryness in your mouth. Your gums may hurt. You may find yourself gaining weight and retaining fluid. Be patient, and you will soon find these symptoms have passed.


A few weeks after you stop smoking, you will find that you can wake up in the morning without coughing. This may be a real surprise to you as you may have incorporated coughing into your regular state of being. The fact is, you do not have to cough every day. Your body can recover, and the longer you keep cigarettes out of your life, the healthier you will become.


When You Stop Smoking You Will Look Better And Younger


When you stop smoking, people will begin to notice how much better you look. Years will drop off your appearance, and you will develop a spring in your step. Improved blood circulation is responsible for these excellent improvements, and you may find that your love life improves as well!


Smoking causes dehydration throughout the body, so smokers usually have dry, scaly looking skin, stained, chipped fingernails and ragged looking hair. When you stop smoking your skin, hair and nails will enjoy the benefits of better blood circulation throughout your body and better use and distribution of the water you drink. If your hair is thinning, you may be surprised to find it growing again when you stop smoking.


Stopping Smoking Gives You A Good Reason To Smile


Your teeth will also benefit when you stop smoking. Yellow stains are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the dental problems smoking causes. Smoking causes gum disease, halitosis and cancer of the lips, gums, tongue and throat. When you stop smoking, you will find that your breath is fresher and your mouth feels a lot healthier and cleaner. Additionally, your sense of taste and smell will return, and you will be able to enjoy food as never before!


When You Quit Smoking Your Social Life May Improve


Not only will your mouth smell better when you stop smoking, so will your hair, your clothing and your body. When you smoke, you dose yourself with toxins, carcinogens and pesticides on a regular basis. This lethal brew perking through your body makes you sick, and it also makes you stink. When you have clean, oxygenated blood flowing through your veins and you are not accompanied by a cloud of noxious fumes everywhere you go, you may find yourself suddenly popular!


When you stop smoking, your home and personal property will be cleaner. Your clothing will last longer, as will your furnishings, draperies and the paint on your walls. Your car will not smell and look like an ashtray on wheels. Best of all, your friends and loved ones will not have to fear for their lives when they hang out with you. You will no longer be a fire hazard, and you will no longer emit toxic fumes.


As if all of these were not enough reasons to stop smoking, remember that you will save an actual fortune when you quit. Cigarettes cost between $1680 and $4032 a year for pack-a-day smokers. Just think of all the great things you could do with that money if you were not setting it on fire!


Smoking is a great way to burn money.

What would you do with that money if you weren’t setting it on fire?


Stop Smoking With A Safer Smoking Alternative


If you have tried to stop smoking in the past but have had trouble sticking to it, you might want to try a safer smoking alternative as a transitional step or as a way of simply reducing tobacco harm. One excellent form of safer smoking alternatives is the electronic cigarette. E cigs have many advantages over tobacco cigarettes in terms of health issues, expense, style and social impact. Here is a short list of the many benefits you will enjoy when you switch from dangerous, expensive tobacco cigarettes and give modern, clean electronic cigarettes a try:


  • There is no flame, smoke or fire hazard with e cigs, so you can enjoy them almost anywhere.
  • Instead of second hand smoke, e cigs emit an odorless or near-odorless vapor. It doesn’t pollute, cause health problems in others, stain your hair or fingernails or damage personal property.
  • Instead of the 4000 toxins, pesticides and carcinogens contained in tobacco cigarette smoke, the vapor emitted by electronic cigarettes contains four simple, FDA- approved ingredients. They are: food grade propylene glycol and/or vegetable glycerin, food grade flavoring, water and the amount of pharmaceutical grade nicotine you choose.
  • E cig supplies generally cost about 75% less than tobacco cigarettes. Your initial outlay for a starter kit may range from $50 to $200 depending on the type of kit and number of accessories and supplies you choose. Once that purchase is made, you will find that replacement cartomizers and batteries are very affordable. This is even more true with the many and plentiful coupon codes and special deals available to e cig users.
  • E cig supplies are recyclable while cigarette butts and packaging create tremendous pollution problems around the world with smokers disposing of more than 6 trillion cigarette butts worldwide annually. A single e cig cartomizer equals at least one full pack of tobacco cigarettes, and when it is empty, you can recycle it or you may even refill and reuse it.
  • E cigs replace the action and the habit of smoking as well as providing nicotine (which can be reduced to nothing as time passes leaving you with a pleasant and harmless habit and no nicotine).
  • E cig users often find that they enjoy exploring all the new and different technology and e cig communities, groups and forums online. Additionally, in public people are very likely to be curious and ask friendly questions about your e cig. This is a big difference when compared with the avoidance and shunning smokers often encounter. It’s easy to see that e cigs provide a social component that tobacco cigs just don't have.


Choose A Well-Established High Quality Brand Of E Cigs For Complete Satisfaction


V2 Cigs is one of  the oldest, most trusted e cig companies in the United States. Having been in the business for a full decade, V2 Cigs is a company that offers experience, cutting edge technology, high quality, variety and an excellent money back guarantee. Choose from three excellent, high quality V2 choices:


V2CIGS – The original, classic e-cig in lots of styles and a variety of starter kits.


Vantage Vapor – V2 quality and technology with minimalist, economy styling.


Vapor Couture – Dazzling designs and gorgeous accessories created just for women.


No matter which V2 brand or style you choose, you will surely be pleased, or your money back!


Don’t be a slave to tobacco cigarettes. If you are thinking about stopping smoking, remember the reasons presented here to strengthen your resolve and have a look at V2 Cigs, the #1 choice in safer smoking alternatives.


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 Tobacco cigarettes cause you to fight for your life.

Stop being a slave to tobacco cigarettes!


Text: Copyright:SuzanneBennett: April 8, 2013



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