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How to plan the perfect long road trip in the UK

The iconic trip from Lands End to John O’Groats covers the entire length of the UK from southern Cornwall to northern Scotland. It has inspired walkers, cyclists, motorbike fanatics and car drivers to attempt it in a variety of ways ranging from the relaxed meandering trip to the red-eye five-day blitz. If you are a car driver with a love for a challenge here is one that cannot be passed up: to drive across the UK from tip to tip. The success of any road trip is determined by its planning: so how should you prepare, plan and enjoy the UK’s longest road trip?


Know Thyself


Any successful road trip requires a realistic assessment of your goals, capabilities and travelling companions. Be honest about what you are aiming to do. Are you after a hectic glory run covering the longest distance in the shortest time? Or do you have friends and relatives you want to make detours to along the way? Are you happy driving for long stretches or do you need regular breaks? Will it really be a holiday if your breaks are at soulless service stations off the main road or are you looking to incorporate some sightseeing, hill walking and nights out along the way?


As well as knowing yourself one thing that can really mar a road trip is finding out that your travelling companion has very different ideas, opinions or even hygiene standards to you. Make sure you are all clear what the trip is about and may involve.

Know Thy Route


Will you be happy with motorway driving? If not you should factor in time to drift through quieter roads. Break your journey down into segments and plan each separately as if it were a journey in itself. In all your planning beware the rush hour! Do not assume that at every moment in a day you will be covering the same amount of miles.


Whilst Google Maps and other electronic devices can really help with planning, and whilst your Satnav device will no doubt prove invaluable, you should never set off without a real paper map in the car. If it helps, just think of it as your back-up should all else fail. You will be surprised how often you end up consulting your so-called last-resort en-route.


Know Thy Car


Preparing and knowing your car is an essential step in good road trip planning particularly if you are planning to cover an entire nation without encountering problems.

Make sure you are bang up to date with your maintenance schedule and get your tyres checked. Get the oil changed and all your fluids topped up.


Always think ahead. Get yourself a spare set of keys. Check your spare tyre and pack a tyre gauge checker for regular use throughout your trip. Make sure you carry a jack and a jump start. A Clarke Jump Start 900 portable charger will even recharge your mobile phone and lap top. Take out roadside assistance cover – you really will not regret it.


Finally check your oil and petrol every day. Never wait for a flashing empty before you fill her up.

Enjoy yourself


Well planned road trips are successful road trips. Have fun and drive safely – see you at the end of the road!


Resource Box

Road Trip Advice

US-centric site that is packed with universal tips for planning and enjoying road tips.

Itinerary for 7 day blast across UK

Find out how four mates drove from John O’Groats to Lands End in just seven days.

Lands End to John O’Groats by B-road

Find out how to traverse the UK without touching a main road

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