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Terms All Business Owners Must Need To Succeed

Knowing key accounting terms help you handle your cash flow proficiently, making you understand when you will have sufficient and should find it somewhere else. Usually, small businesses are run by new entrepreneurs who always don’t understand their issues until it becomes very late. Moreover, these businesses also encounter the challenges of not being really appealing to conventional lenders, such as banks. Banks don’t want to face any risk on businesses, particularly those in high-risk sectors, as they have poor or non-existent credit and no collateral.

However, by realizing when you might be experiencing the cash flow issues, you will understand when its right time to look for high-risk business loans.

High-Risk Business Loans: In a Nutshell

Businesses considered as high-risk by banks or those with poor or non-existent credit should apply for high-risk business loans with alternative lenders like Indifi. Non-bank or online lenders – known as microlenders – lend these kinds of businesses the small amount of money – sometimes less than 25000 USD – for shorter terms. One of the advantages of borrowing these kinds of  business loans  is that you are creating credit because you pay back the money timely.

Now when you are aware of high-risk business loans, it is high time to get know-how about some terminologies which are certain indications you must ponder applying for high-risk business loans.

Here are 3 financial terminologies which no business owner can afford to neglect:

1. Burn Rate

This is a highly crucial accounting term for small businesses. In short, the burn rate of your business is the rate at which your business invests money. This is definitely an accounting concept you should know properly. Measuring your burn rate is easy: choose a time period – generally a quarter or longer – and subtract the money you have at the period’s end from the money you had at the period’s starting. Now divide the number by the number of months in the period to get your burn rate. Understanding how quickly your business spends money is vital when it comes to handling the cash flow. Basically, you wish to get a negative burn rate as it signifies you are developing your cash stock.

2. Draws and Distributions

Relying on how your business is managed, you may or may not be on the payroll of your company. Nevertheless, maximum small business owners take at least a part of their pay in the form of draws or distributions. You must note that draws and distributions do not appear on the loss and profit statement. Basically, these payouts are a reduction in the business’ equity, so they display as subtractions in the accounting balance sheet’s equity part.

3. Liability

According to accounting terms, a liability is a debt your business possesses. This could be payroll taxes, sales, a business loan, or a credit card balance. Liabilities are seen on the balance sheet – not the loss or profit statement – and they are paid more than a time period by eliminating the money in your business checking account and at the same time eliminating the due amount on the liability. Liabilities are naturally not bad. However, you need to ensure your assets are better than your liabilities. Else, your equity is affected badly and you could find your business in a hazardous position and experience a decline in sales or require business loans financing to take benefits of business scope.


Knowing the right time to opt for high-risk business loans is something many merchants are not aware of until it becomes very late for them. Understanding the signs of risks and key accounting terms can help you get yourself ready when you require applying for funding. Small businesses which require high-risk business loans need to ponder applying to Indifi, a great platform that provides with financing solutions to every kind of business. Indifi provides with a simple online application and solutions are served for the requirements all businesses.

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