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The Long and the Short of It

Url shortening is the process of reducing the length of a web link without altering its target destination.

Aside from this primary function, link shortening is also employed as a means of masking web addresses.  In recent days, we've found ourselves dependent on url-shortening as a means of getting around the block Twitter has placed on direct RedGage links.  My concern is that it won't be long before the url shortening services we are using risk being banned by Twitter as a result of providing service to what it perceives as spammers.  I imagine that, in order to avoid being blacklisted, the various websites we've come to depend on will be forced to filter out RedGage links.  
My purpose in writing this blog is not to sound the alarm.  Rather, it is my goal is to initiate a dialogue about potential solutions.  I've read a number of proposals for dealing with the problems of phishing and stolen content.  I would like the focus, here, to be a discussion of how we can pool our knowledge to help one another drive traffic to RedGage using a variety of sustainable web resources.  Thank you for your time.  I look forward to your response :)


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