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How to Book a Luxurious Holiday without Stress

Holidays are supposed to be about relaxation, fun, and new experiences. You’re supposed to spend time with your friends and family doing something you enjoy. Some people prefer to spend their holidays alone. Whatever the case may be, they’re not supposed to be stressful. The reality is that they are very often are stressful affairs. They can be time-consuming to plan and expensive to take. Eventually, it might even feel like they’re not worth it. There’s a way to take a holiday without all of that stress, though. When you work with a company that offers complete packages, you can have every part of your holiday covered. If you’re looking for a holiday trip, you can’t go wrong with a ski vacation at a luxury chalet. Planning your holiday has never been easier if you follow a few steps.

Pick Where You Want to Go

Ski chalets are very popular holiday options throughout the Alps and North America. The North American chalets, many of which are in Canada, are not all true chalets, but they’re designed in the same style. Chalets are the sturdy wooden houses that serve as homes for farmers in the Alps. When they were originally built, farmers would herd their livestock, cattle and sheep usually, through the mountain passes during the summer. The farmers would harvest dairy and meat from the animals all summer, while the animals grazed on the abundant grasses. When winter came, the farmers would lock up the chalets and head back down the mountains to avoid the snow.

Since the homes would sit vacant all winter, they had to be built sturdily enough to survive the winter. They were built to keep the wind, rain, and snow out of the house. The roofs were sloped to minimise the amount of snow build up, but strong enough to withstand hundreds of kilograms of accumulating snow. Other people quickly realised that these rugged homes would make great places to stay on holiday. They began hiring out the chalets from the farmers, and an industry was born.

Quality organisations such as Oxford Ski specialise in providing luxury ski chalet holidays. The North American chalets and many of the European ones were built specifically to provide luxury accommodations while on holiday. Deciding where to go really depends on how much money you have, how much time you have, and your own personal preference. Once you decide where you want to go, pick when you want to go.

Pick When You Want To Go

Picking when you want to go on holiday coincides with picking where you want to go. The seasons with the freshest snow are often the best times to visit certain ski locations; those are also going to be the peak seasons for tourists, and thus, the most expensive. However, that peak season is going to be different in pretty much every location. Canada’s peak season will be different from Switzerland’s. In fact, Canada’s peak season could even be different from other regions of the United States. You should work with your holiday planning agency to figure out the best time to go. That best time will depend on where you want to go. Some people like to pick when they’re going on holiday before they pick where they’re going.

Pick the Accommodations You Need

You should next decide what sorts of accommodations you’ll need in your chalet. You should probably separate the accommodations into mandatory features and desired features. If you’re travelling with a big group of people, two bathrooms might be a mandatory accommodation. However, if your group is a little smaller or more economically minded, two bathrooms might just be a desired feature.

With the very best holiday booking sites, you can narrow down your search results based on desired accommodations such as bathrooms, bedrooms, smoking or non-smoking, and several other features.

You should also think about location. Some chalets, especially the classic ones, are placed in prime farming locations. Those prime farming locations in the summer might not be prime skiing locations in the winter. They might be a little farther away from the hustle and bustle of the bigger resorts, though. If you want to avoid a bunch of other tourists in a busy spot, you might want one of the chalets a little farther away on the mountain.

If you don’t want to travel to the mountain, or if you just want to be able to ski into your chalet and ski out of your chalet, you should pick a more premium location. 'Ski in, ski out' properties are definitely the most desirable.

Pick the Skiing You Want

Many chalet booking agencies end their involvement at the chalet. If you’re dealing with the best, though, they’ll help you book private ski guides, schedule skiing lessons, buy lift passes, and so on. Booking ski lessons and such is part of what makes planning a holiday so stressful. If you’ve never been somewhere before, how could you ever know if the ski instructors are qualified, which slopes are best, and which guides are the most knowledgeable?  You wouldn’t be able to. Luckily, some of the very best chalet and ski holiday agencies can help you. They’ve been operating in those areas for years, getting to know the area and the available amenities.

Once you establish a relationship of trust with a quality holiday agency, you know that they’ve vetted the different features. You don’t have to know the specific off-piste guides who will be taking you out for backcountry skiing because you know the organisation that helped you book him or her.

Planning a holiday can be stressful and time-consuming. The best way to make it less stressful is to book with an agency that does the majority of the legwork for you. The best agencies actually help you with everything you need; they’re one-stop shopping for your chalet, accommodations, equipment, and guides. That level of service really helps to reduce the stress and allow you to enjoy your holiday.

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