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Protection dog training

Protection dog training is said to be serious business for the dog owners for the purposes of personal and property security. A highly trained dog can also be pressed into service for accompanying you and family members, especially the children and elders at home and outside. They also help in searching for missing persons and objects when trained to do so. Apart from taking care of the safety, they can play with your children and amuse them when you take them with you on your excursions.  So you can see that there are multiple benefits of dog protection training.

Before you set out to own a protection dog you need to consider several aspects about the

  • Breed of the dog which you are going to choose. This is in fact the most critical factor which can determine the quality and nature of protection you can expect. There are numerous types of breeds out of which we have considered the top 5. They are  the
    • German-shepherd
    • Rottweiler
    • Bullmastiff
    • Anatolian-shepherd
    • Tibetan-Mastiff 
  • The type of personal and property protection you need. These breeds can act as intelligent and agile watch-dogs and guard-dogs for protection against property-intrusion and personal-attacks.
  • The training and living space which you can provide for the dog. You can accommodate them comfortably within the premises of your home if you don’t have extra space to allocate for them. For training you need an open space like a garden. The diet habit of the dog depends on the specific breed, about which the dog-breeder can provide you more information. Once you start off with the dogs sheltering, eating and caring needs, training becomes simple.
  • The trainer you are going to make use of and the style of training imparted. You might wish to do it yourself.  But if you wish to make it in a professional way, it is always better to opt for a qualified trainer who has sufficient knowledge about
    • Inherent characteristics of the specific breed of dogs.
    • Your security needs at home and outside.
    • The probable kind of threats that you, your family members and your property is exposed to.
    • The sort of “action” to be performed by your protection dog under critical, emergency and possible threat conditions. He will be able to train the dog in distinguishing the three types of conditions and take appropriate action.

Once the basic training is complete you can continue it at your home. For this you will need to be trained to be a trainer, which is worth the effort and cost that you incur. Before you opt for the right breed of dog, consider the following parameters which are essential.

  • Simplicity of training the dog.
  • Intelligence-level of the dog.
  • Size and weight of the dog.
  • Adaptability and friendliness with your family, especially children.
  • Speed and alertness of the dog.
  • Ability to perform multiple tasks.
  • Patience to wait till the imminent threat is nonexistent and the persistence to push the threat (Ex: - intruders and attackers) to the point of “surrender”.

Once you are sure of these factors from the dog-breeder, you can go ahead and own the dog.


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