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Day From Hell

StephPoor Kris really did have the day from hell. He really should have tried on those pants since he wouldn't have that rip. Did he even go to the bank? If he did I must have missed it since I'm pretty sure he decided to just go home after getting headbutted by Myra and having his briefcase stolen. This would be one of those days when it would have been better to just stay in bed.

It didn't help that Gilly spilled coffee on him but at least it was really water unlike Theresa who threw barbecue sauce on Ethan. I'm just not sure why Myra wanted to put vinegar on Kris's shirt. It did take her a while to figure out what was different. I'm sure anyone would tear up after a headbutt. Not even the news about Gilly getting married would make it a better day after all Gilly did spill coffee on him and of course that was hot coffee.

At least Michaela is talking to Zak so things are going good on that front. I do feel bad for Jacqui since that sucks finding out that guy you're in love with is a racist. She better say no since she would be another one that needs to say no. Sure he isn't a Dimera but he's still a sorry excuse of a human being. I'm just surprised that Rose gave Des the ring so he could pop the question. That isn't good at all. 

Steph was planning her honeymoon with Gilly but sadly her happiness was short lived. She went to the hospital and it turns out that the surgery didn't work. I was thinking that Steph would get killed off since Carly's leaving. I'm sure there's going to be some crying. Oh wait I don't get teary eyed and that's the story I'm sticking with. So it looks like there won't be a happy ending for these two or maybe there will be a short one. Is this going to be deja vu Max all over again. Oh poor Tom having someone else he loves die. And hey Steph you are a Mom at least in the way that counts if not blood since Tom is her's just as much as if he was her own.

Oh goody the soccer family just keeps growing and growing. Where in the hell is Gaby? Finally a familiar face and nothing while Jemma's family just gets bigger. Jasmine shows up and she isn't happy to see Jemma. I guess she's feeling abandoned. What is up with Bubble Head or is she Helmet Head and the dress? What was wrong with what Jasmine was wearing? Are you banned from wearing that outfit in England while it is good enough for the US. Did I miss something because I'm not British?

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Melancholy Musings: The dying blog due to lack of interest on anyone else's part.Moonlight Dwelling: My soap fan fiction and more.Random Book Girl: My book cover blog.

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