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Repair The Damage

Ha ha bitch looks like your master plan blew up in your face. That was a good point my Boob brought up since I don't think it is a good idea to strive to become another Stephanie Forrester. Come on that woman spends more time butting in where she doesn't belong which could explain her husband wandering off all the time. I'm just not sure she'll back off after getting busted and being forced to do a tribute to Brooke. I smell trouble coming. She should be mad at Ridge instead of Brooke since he's the one that dropped the ball. Maybe if he was there for her she wouldn't be so screwed up right now. Hell he seems to be a better father to Hope since he's upset about the thought of Hope having unprotected sex but not so much his wife. Oh god please don't have her get pregnant since there's enough of that going around.

Hope changes her mind about going to school. I just hope Ridge is able to control Skanky One so this whole mess doesn't come out since Hope doesn't deserve to become the center of what would be a total disaster not to mention the end of her relationship with her Mom. Smart move Oliver leaving since you don't want Ridge to catch you within six feet of his wife. I would think he wouldn't be too crazy about him being around Hope either but he honestly believes it was an accident. I still find it odd that she didn't know it was Ridge but it does seem like it was a horrible accident which doesn't exactly happen every day.

Oh Aggie what's wrong with chicken? Shame on you for making a face at the chicken. If you don't want to eat meat that's fine but I don't like people who make a stink about those who do enjoy meat. I do wonder what Nick did with the chicken. I hope he didn't throw it away. Damn that was the quickest pizza delivery ever. He was just eating some chicken one second and the next he was getting the pizza he ordered because Aggie's all anti chicken. Hell I enjoyed some chicken for lunch myself. No one would make me put down the chicken. They are certainly getting all cozy aren't they? So he dumps Bridget and hooks up with Aggie who hasn't had any in ages since she was raped? At least they didn't get right down to it. I do feel bad for Jackie since she just might end up getting screwed. Owen is pretty yummy and Bridget has been looking. Hell I do too every chance I get.

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