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RG Beta Squad Beauty Pageant

The RedGage Beta Squad Beauty Pageant

Despite Liz's claim:
"beta squad is no beauty pageant! "

We are most proud to present the reigning
Miss RedGage RainbowBrite of Beta Squad!

              Miss Beta Squad 2010

For those of you out of the loop, here is a recap:

lorlie6 (3 hours ago)
Hey there, Eahauser! Thanks for accepting the friend request. What does 'Beta Squad' mean? It looks like you ladies are wearing a beauty pageant ribbon up there!

MrBill (3 hours ago)
Lorlie6: "wearing a beauty pageant ribbon up there"
TEHEHEE !!! Glad I'm not the only one that thinks that!
Hey Liz, can I post the LizzyRainbowBrite pic???
PUH-LEASE ! ! ! (-;

Eahauser (53 minutes ago)
Ahahaha. MrBill, I think you deserve to be able to post whatever you want at this point. You have my permission. I'm going to need some new ideas for how we can identify staff! This is getting too silly!

Eahauser (4 months ago)
is going to start wearing silver Rainbrow Brite like unitards now that it is 2010! Happy New Year

Eahauser (4 months ago)
wake me up when my Avatar is ready!

Eahauser (4 months ago)
thanks for my first belly laugh of the New Year, MrBill!

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