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How To Keep Money Issues From Wrecking Your Relationship

How To Keep Money Issues From Wrecking Your Relationship
Money can be a sensitive topic for couples which make fighting inevitable. Why do couples fight about money all the time? Keep in mind that no two people are the same and each individual think differently and has their own set of priorities. Financial issues can break a relationship but there are actually ways to keep that from happening. Here are some ways to do it.1. Communicate- This is a crucial element in every relationship. You have to be comfortable enough to talk to your partner about everything, especially money. There is a possibility that you two won’t agree on something in terms of spending habits, saving, shared or separate accounts etc. but the important thing is for you both to come up with a compromise. If you two can talk to each other about anything, the easier it will be to come up with a plan and to deal with money issues in the future.2. Be honest about everything- You have to be open to your partner in financial terms. You have to know how much each one is earning, if you debts to finish, liabilities and many others. If you have a lot of issues to work on and you both know about it, the easier it will be to resolve it.3. Talk about who will deal with what- Most couples fight about who’s going to pay the mortgage, utilities, grocery bills, savings money, tuition etc. What you can do to avoid fighting about this is to make an agreement and talk about this early on. Be realistic and consider the amount of each other’s salary. The two of you should work together when it comes to paying down the bills.4. Try to curb your spending- This is probably one of the main reasons why couples fight. Keep in mind that it is okay to spend as long as you are sure that you can manage paying off all your bills and needs but if you can hardly save yet spend more than what you earn, then you better control your spending and put that money into a savings account.5. Establish “rules” in your relationship- Keep in mind that each couple is different and you will only have certain rules that will apply and work for both of you. Again, talk to your partner and create your rules and make sure you both follow it.6. Financially stable- There is a possibility for one spouse to be financially stable or responsible and filing the right account may help in preventing financial issues in the future. Talk to your partner about the type of account you should get. You can choose to file for a joint account or you can file them separately.7. Budget an allowance for each other- This is probably the easiest way to save money and to control each other’s spending. Also, if you both follow the “rules” in your relationship, then you’ll be able to avoid fighting.8. Check each one’s credit history- Trusting your partner about everything is very important but there is nothing wrong with verifying it. Get your credit report checked regularly to be able to take care of it.Try these tips and make the most out of your relationship by keeping things calm and managed. You can avoid fighting if you both truly understand and accept each other’s mistakes. Don’t let financial issues get in the way of your relationship or marriage. Follow these tips and be a happy couple from now on.Amy is an active blogger who is fond of sharing interesting finance management tips to encourage people to manage their personal finances. More specifically, she advocates that people should check credit scores regularly. Follow Joy and discover how to create household budget.

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