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Navagio beach - a paradise corner (PHOTO)

Navagio beach - a paradise corner (PHOTO)

It is one of the most popular and also exclusive beaches in Greece. Located on the island of Zakynthos, the third largest of the Ionian islands, Navagio beach (beach beach wreck or smugglers, as it is called) seems rather a glimpse of paradise, isolated from the rest of civilization, of which only the privileged have the chance to enjoy. The beach is accessible only by boat, but that does not stop thousands of tourists to venture in this hidden corner of the world to enjoy even a few minutes with incredibly huge rocks, a sandy beach and clear blue sea water ...
Another attraction of the beach, along with the dream image provided by nature, is Scottish ship Panagiotis wreck, failed to shore in 1980. Nobody knows exactly how did this ship on the beach, although legends have rapidly developed. Built in Scotland in 1937, the ship changed its name several times over the years and ended up being Panagiotis, famous ship of smugglers of cigarettes and the Italian mafia. Some say that the ship failed during a chase by Greek Coast Guard vessels, crew then disappeared without a trace. Another version of the story says the ship was sunk near the shore of the same coastguard waves then throwing it ashore. Last, and perhaps the least romantic story, says Greek tourism minister '80s gave orders that wreck to be taken especially on the beach to attract more tourists ... Regardless of legends woven around it, wreck beach is considered today a true wonder of nature, perhaps the most beautiful beach in Greece, on the island who once conquered and ruled it a mythic hero Ulysses himself. Perhaps here, a place so beautiful, she walked even the wisest of heroes who fought in the Trojan War ...

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