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Ultimate G700 Review-The Advanced Military Led Flashlight

Today I’m going to review one of my favorite flashlights that I’ve ever put my hands to. I guess that you already know that I’m talking about the military Lumitact Military Led flashlight that I’m sure you have it seen on Facebook or Pinterest. This flashlight has been advertised so heavily all over the internet that people started doing anti-campaigns and funny parodies.

Today I’m going to share my own personal experience with the Lumitact G700 so that you really know what to expect from a tactical military grade $56 led flashlight like the G700.

I got the G700 last year in December because one of my friend had it. He told me that it was very bright and that he would scare his neighbor with it all the time. I didn’t had a flashlight anyway so I figured if I was buying one, I was going to get a tactical military flashlight.

Originally, I was always attracted by the idea that it was military but the soonest I put my hands on it I realized that nothing is really military expect for the laser focused beam. I always imagined that a true Lumitact Military Led flashlight should be bigger and heavier. I was surprised however with the brightness and the reach.

I haven’t owned a decent flashlight for almost a decade now and when I compare the G700 with the models I used to own I felt like my grandpa when she first tried using a computer. I was so outdated from the flashlight technology that I incidentally found the option to modify the diameter of the beam. I didn’t even expected a feature like that on a flashlight.

One of the best things about this tactical G700 is the actual hardware that makes the light so bright. Instead of using LED diodes, the G700 uses a recently discovered LED chip that is almost 30 times more powerful that a LED diode while still using the same AAA rechargeable battery that most tactical flashlights use.

What really impressed me about the G700 is the optical lens. It works almost as a magnifying glass with different focus modes. If you scroll it on the left it makes the light larger, when you scroll on the right it makes it smaller and laser focused.

Being an old-school consumer, when I think about flashlights I usually think about batteries. I think that replacing and buying new batteries is the main reason why I stop being interesting in owning a decent flashlights. Whatever flashlight I had before, no matter how good it was, the soonest I wasted the batteries it was considered dead and soon to be lost somewhere in the basement.

The Lumitact G700 has a very powerful AAA rechargeable battery that recharges in less than 30 minutes. You can simply plug the battery into the charger and 30 minutes later you have your flashlight ready to use. Couple of years ago you couldn’t imagine powering your flashlight if you haven’t spent at least $30 on those heavy 5v batteries.

Bottom line is that I am very happy for spending my $56 on the G700 and I would recommend to everybody to do the same.

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