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Politically correct-I think not!

     My dear friends: I assure you this, one thing you will never find on this blog is political correctness. See, here is the thing. According to one of the greatest medical teams in the world, in my opinion, I have a host of diseases and disorders, a couple of them deemed terminal by the doctors, and I simply have nothing to lose. I am here, for you and myself. I say the above not for sympathy, but  to illustrate my points. I mean what are they going to do to me? Cut my hair, shave my beard, and put me in the Navy? Too late, that already happened. So here it is, the unabashed rant that has been a long time coming. Political correctness is not good for us, not good for a country based on freedom, and not good for our future. Let me illustrate. A few months back, I was reading a story online about a retired police officer, a hero of 9-11, being forced to take down his 9-11 flag because it offended the association him home was in. Okay, let me play devil’s advocate and assume this was not political. Let’s say that the 100% truth was they honestly believe the flag ruined the view. I would be willing to bet good money that if that was say, a flag commemorating, say, a day like  groundhog day , it would be standing proudly today. I could be wrong, but I do not think I am. I think this is political, plain  and simple. This officer should not only be allowed to fly his flag, we should thank the lord everyday for people like him. In truth, political correctness has infiltrated every facet of our lives and I am so sick of it, I am about to burst. Since when is it not alright to voice an opinion? In America?  Now, we have been told we have to refer to illegal aliens, people who did, as they entered our country, broke our laws, undocumented workers. This is a bunch of hogwash. If you and I walked over the Mexican, or say Russian border without the proper documents, I wonder how well we would be treated? Not very damn well has been my experience. Political correctness has even filtered into places of learning. In my experiences getting and education in the last 12 years,  I was told I could not use these phrases and those words, as they might offend a classmate. Well, my friends, the heck with that. I am here to say what you want me to say, and what I want to say. If I have or do offend anyone, I feel like my efforts have been rewarded. It is high time for some common sense. If one chooses to express their freedom by screaming that they are against abortion, that should be their right. But those on the other side of the house have just as much right to say let clinics stay open. Without a need, and a desire for the product, the market would be ended. What we need is not thought police telling us we can’t say this or that, we need common sense telling these women and girls not to get pregnant in the first place. Use your heads folks, I know that not everything is 100%, and mistakes happen, but common sense would end most of the need for these places in the first place. But, I digress. The point is, there is no place for anything except true freedom of speech and freedom of thought. I may not believe in what you think or believe, but I will defend your right to say it until the cows come home. Good day all.

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