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What I Am Feelin

I am just posting today to let you all know what I am feeling.  I am feeling kind of down these last few days.  It just seems like every time we get ahead it is like we are taking 100 steps back.  I mean we have so many goals to do between getting to NJ to finally see my family for Xmas.  To go to see my 5yr old I haven't seen in over 2 years because her father kept her from me.  Sometimes I feel like what is going on.  Money is so tight and I cant really get a job because I have misdemeanor.  Which companies said they dont look at that but they do.  I had a job lined up for me to work at home and they told me I was not hired based on my background.  I want someone or a company to just be like look we are going to give you a shot cause we believe in you.  But so far no one has and no company really cares.  I mean the people that work in these companies I am sure have had some sort of run in that happened in their life but someone gave them a chance.  So I plead to all of you lets get something that says hey we are not criminals we are people too.
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