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Lessons learned and re-learned

Lessons learned, and re-learned…

Well, here we are in the midst of another flu season (did they ever actually stop?) and I’ve come down with my semi-annual virus… mind-numbing headache, body aches and fatigue… I’ve slowly slipped away from the Body Ecology’s words of wisdom after my initial months of success so will be getting back to those soup recipes as soon as I’m able to go shopping! Good thing I booked off a few “vacation days” when I felt this coming on – at least it has been a God-send to have time off to recuperate (yes, I do get sick days but used them all up earlier in the year during a similar malady I’m afraid…). As much as chronic illness is a “pain in the neck” I suppose it has been a primary impetus behind artsciencespirit; if everyone was perfectly happy and healthy all the time there wouldn’t be much need for spiritual introspection would there? This downtime has also afforded me the chance to discover some great health programs on “The New One Channel” and begin reading a book about Edgar Cayce. For starters, I find it almost unbelievable that I have never read about Cayce until now. Here is a man whose teachings absolutely embodied the mind-body-spirit philosophy at the heart of all my own personal work. Well, I wish Edgar Cayce was here to do a “reading” on me right now and really get down to the business of healing! However, having discovered his wealth of knowledge, at least I can do some internet research to help me along my way. He has also inspired me to update my booklist page, so please take a look if you are in need of some inspiration yourself :)   Funny/sad how easy it is to forget about life’s great mysteries and beauty when we are constantly on-the-go and caught up in everyday life’s busyness. Take a moment to look around at Fall’s beautiful colours; pick up a new book to keep your mind open; and stay healthy!

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