Things NOT To Do on RedGage
Things !NOT! To Do on RedGage
[... unfortunately inspired by recent wallposts & RGmail]
[!OUCH! ... ok, I just got spanked for a glaring over-sight
in this "short-list" !!! So now I must edit the list and add it!]
Things NOT To Do on RedGage - The short-list of things that get you flagged, cut your earnings, and can even get you banned from the RedGage community.
♦ People that do things like post spam messages and advertisements, or nasty flames, on other members' profile walls and/or their content get flagged & reported.
♦ People that post non-original - stolen content - on RedGage get flagged & reported.
♦ [edited & added 8/11/2011] People that STALK or otherwise harass members of RedGage get flagged, reported, and are usually quickly Deleted (that's another word for BANNED!) by the RedGage Staff!
♦ People that get flagged & reported a lot on RedGage have a tendency to lose their earnings, disappear from RG (sometimes they disappear from the internet and even this quadrant of space), and are never ever to be seen or heard from again ... in other words - they get BANNED from RedGage!
RedGage is a friendly place for nice people to hang out and post their "original" creative content! ["Original content" is photos you take with your own camera, blogs that you write in your own words, your own videos, etc.]
You should also know that RedGage is a "self-policing" web community where members that come across non-original (stolen) content being uploaded will flag & report the content and the person uploading it.
All RedGage members are asked to PLEASE help support and promote high quality original content on RedGage (and all across the internet) by not encouraging others to continue uploading stolen content. Please refrain from commenting or rating stolen content. Help rid RedGage by reporting any non-original content to the RedGage Staff by RGmail or through using the "flag" option, which can be done anonymously.
If you are new to RedGage:
Please read the RedGage HELP page with its tutorials
and the Terms of Service (TOS)
So you can learn about how the RedGage community works and you don't get flagged & reported and possibly banned. RedGage is a GREAT web community and a fun place to hangout and meet new people (and sometimes reconnect with old friends from other sites). One of the wonderful benefits of posting your original creative work on RedGage is that RedGage shares revenue with the members. Help keep RG fun, friendly, and profitable for everyone by only uploading your own original content!
Cheers! MrBill
The very "fine print": These are my own thoughts as a Member of RedGage on this topic, which are not necessarily approved, authorized, condoned, sanctioned, or otherwise directly licensed or supported by RedGage,Inc. (In other words it's my opinion.) Okie dokie?!!