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We want to be happy all the time

We want to be happy all the time

We want to be happy all the time.

We want to be happy all the time. We worry all the time about being happy. Our obsession
with happiness prevents us from being happy. A New York investment banker needed a vacation
badly. His psychiatrist recommended that he take a break or he will break down. The banker
went to a fishing spot in a remote mountain location. He bought himself the best of designer fishing
clothes and gear including designer bait. He went to a spot recommended by his resort concierge.
As he relaxed with his fishing rod in his hand and a pipe in his mouth, he saw a local old man settling
down some distance away. The banker struggled to catch a fish. But, the old man was reeling them
in at regular intervals and releasing them back into the river. The old man saw the perplexed look of
the banker. He cheerily invited him over to where he sat and showed him where the fish were. The
banker was very impressed and asked the old man what he did for a living. The old man replied that
he did nothing. He just fished and relaxed. The banker was incredulous. He told the old man all the
things he was missing in life by not being a professional, like him, in the great city. The old man asked
the banker: what are your plans for future?  The banker said: I will make lots of money, marry, and
have children. What comes after that? asked the old man. Oh, I shall relax and spend all my time
fishing, the banker said. Can't you see that's what I'm doing now, the old man responded, why do
I need to struggle like you. We all have a long laundry list of worries. We have them all our lives.
Can we predict what will bring us joy and when? It is very difficult for us to predict when we are
likely to be happy. On the other hand, it is very easy for us to say when we shall be worried, which
is almost all the time. We worry when we have no money. We also worry when we have money.
We worry if we have no children; we also worry when we have children. Our wealth and children
are quite often the cause of many of our problems. Our worries multiply when our children emulate
us. Worry follows desires just as night follows day. Just as desires have no end, worries too are endless.
Do these worries have a purpose? No We forget to enjoy our life now. We never get to enjoy life later.
Either we enjoy it here and now, or never. Find happiness being in the present. Be conscious, completely
aware of what is happening at the moment. Be happy with whatever you do. Happiness will be yours to keep.

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