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Benefits of Papaya

Papaya grows in tropical countries. The tree can grow up to 25 feet and each tree can bear 30 to 150 fruits per year. There are about 20 varieties of papaya. Papaya is a fruit which can be eaten raw, turned into a juice or shake, and in some other countries they use it for cooking dishes as well.


Papaya has a proteolytic enzyme which is uses as a meat tenderizer. Its juice is dried and used as a chewing gum, toothpaste, and even medicine. The juice is also used to treat warts, cancers, tumors, corns and scleroses of the skin.


In Africa, they use papaya tree roots to treat people with syphilis, a venereal disease and the Javanese believe that eating papaya can treat rheumatism. Papaya is also used in treating acne or pimples by mixing mashed papaya flesh with calamansi juice and applying it to the infected area. It is also effective in removing freckles and stains.


Papaya is also used in cosmetic products like skin whitening and face-lifting products. It is also an ingredient to soaps, shampoos and lotions.


Papaya is rich in vitamins C and A. other nutrients includes potassium, phosphorous, calcium and magnesium which is good for the bones, sodium, iron, selenium, zinc, manganese and copper. Thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folate, pantholic acid, vitamin B6, E, and K are also present. They are a good source of fiber and a good source for lowering cholesterol levels.


To use papaya as a facial mask, use 2 tablespoons of papaya pulp or flesh. You need to mash the papaya together with 10 drops of calamansi or lemon juice. Mix them well then apply on the face. Leave it for 20 minutes then rinse well. This facial mask is good for those who have oily skin.


This fruit is not advisable to pregnant and breastfeeding women, some may be allergic to the fruit.

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